Pütz Security AG is obliged to protect persons who, in the course of their work or in preparation for this work, have become aware of violations in accordance with § 2 of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) – known as “whistleblowers”. The company must also offer these persons the opportunity to report such violations via an internal reporting office.
You can use the following form to inform us of any violations of the HinSchG that you have become aware of.
You can rely on us to maintain confidentiality in accordance with Section 8 HinSchG and to protect the identity of both the persons providing information and the persons named in the reports, provided that the reported information falls under the HinSchG or the person providing the information could reasonably assume this at the time of the report.
In addition, you can rely on us to comply with the provisions of Section 36 HinSchG, which prohibits reprisals against whistleblowers and the threat or attempt of such measures.
In order to enable an appropriate discussion of the matter, it is advantageous to state your name.